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The newest articles are added to the top of the list. Enjoy!

BuzzEdit Tutorial - How to Bury Jump Stitches

One of the most powerful features of BuzzEdit is its ability to help you "fix" designs that have jump stitches or other un-desirable features. With BuzzEdit you can ZOOM WAY IN and fix one stitch at a time when needed. This is especially useful when you want to bury long jump stitches by breaking the jump stitch into smaller stitches that are sewn underneath other areas. Not only can this make sew out faster but it also eliminates having to trim the jump stitches from your finished embroidery. Read Complete Article...

Added Mar 14, 2018

2017 Server Migration Information

The hosting company we have been with for over twenty years made the decision to exit the web hosting business. This required us to move our website to a new hosting company and server. Because all server environments are a little different, the credentials used in the embedded "Check for Update" portion of our software are now incorrect and will fail. The fix is easy but requires customers to download a Fix Updater program for their software. Read Complete Article...

Added Nov 24, 2017

How to create a backup CD for your downloaded software

When you purchase downloaded software, you won't automatically receive a backup CD. In fact it has become so easy for you to create your own backup CDs that we encourage you to do so yourself. Why wait for the mail to arrive when you can have the security of your backup CD right now? In addition, we sometimes hear from customers that their CDs arrive cracked even though we pay extra to ship CD at package, non-machinable rates. Guess the post office just loves their high tech sorting machines so much that they just stuff anything through them that they can. So here is how to save yourself some money and trouble - make the backup CD yourself. In fact, it's so easy you'll want create backup CDs for all your downloaded software. Read Complete Article...

Added August 22, 2017

Another Great BuzzXplore Endorsement

We love to hear from our customers and we love your endorsements. Thanks Janet - We are so glad BuzzXplore works so well for you.

Oh my gosh, I love "BuzzXplore"!! I couldn't live without it.

For about 10 years I worked with the Martha Pullen Company as a Quality Assurance representative for all of their embroidery designs and always used your software to assist me in checking and approving their final designs. I retired about two years ago but still have contact on a regular basis with the girl I was partners with at that company. I would be very sad to not have the latest version of BuzzXplore. My partner and I always used your software to generate multi-formats for special work we were involved in creating.

Will be anxious to check out new software you are coming out with. Thank you for notifying me so I can continue reviewing the great software packages. I made sure that I responded to stay on the Newsletters. Again, thank you for all your wonderful software offered. Love, love, it.

Janet McCord

Send Us Your Endorsement...

Added August 10, 2017

How to Save a Stitch File

So you want to save a BUZ working file as the stitch based file used by your embroidery machine but you don't know where to start, right? Guess what, it's easier than you think and can be done from many Buzz Tools software programs. So just scroll down this list to find your program and follow the step by step instructions. In no time you will be sewing! Read Complete Article...

Added July 28, 2017

Want to See Your Projects on the Buzz Tools Website?

Sending us your project is easy! Just complete this form and upload the picture(s) of your project. If you used one of the Buzz Tools software programs during your project, let us know that too! We will NOT add an email address link to your project page because we value your privacy just as much as you do! Share Your Project Now...

Added July 20, 2017

Where's My Newsletter?

Have you wondered where your email newsletter is? Well, lately we've been so busy that we haven't been sending out any newsletters at all. We've got lots of exciting news coming up and are going to start sending our Buzz Tools email news every month or two to tell you all about our news, updates and other goodies.

So, if you're still interested in hearing from us, just use the sign up link in the page footer to add yourself to our list again.

Added July 18, 2017